10 Interesting Facts about Mount Lawu with Various Sacred Places

Mount Lawu in Java holds a wealth of natural, historical and spiritual riches, making it a must-visit hiking destination with incredible views and sacred sites.


Interesting Facts about Mount Lawu with Various Sacred Places

Mount Lawu in Java holds a wealth of natural, historical and spiritual riches, making it a must-visit hiking destination with incredible views and sacred sites.

Mount Lawu, one of the highest mountains in Java Island, is a favorite tourist destination for climbers, nature enthusiasts, and seekers of spiritual peace.

Located on the border between Central Java and East Java, this mountain not only offers stunning natural scenery, but is also rich in history, legends, and sacred sites that are interesting to explore.

From its sacred peak to its historic hiking trails, Mount Lawu provides an unforgettable experience for anyone who visits it. Here are 10 unique facts you need to know about Mount Lawu.

1. Three Sacred Peaks

Mount Lawu has three main peaks which are considered sacred by the Javanese people. The three peaks are Hargo Dalem, Hargo Dumiling, and Hargo Dumilah.

Hargo Dumilah Peak, with a height of 3,256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak equipped with a triangulation monument.

The surrounding community considers these three peaks as holy places that are often used for spiritual ceremonies and pilgrimages. These peaks are not only geographically important, but also have a very deep spiritual value for many people in Java.

2. The Sixth Highest Mountain on Java Island

With a height of 3,256 meters above sea level, Mount Lawu ranks sixth as the highest mountain on the island of Java.

Although not as high as Mount Semeru or Mount Slamet, Mount Lawu remains a popular mountain for climbers from various circles. Its stunning natural beauty and relatively accessible hiking trails make it an attractive hiking destination in Java.

3. The Highest Warung in Indonesia

One of the unique attractions of Mount Lawu is the presence of Warung Mbok Yem, which is located in Hargo Dalem at an altitude of around 2,600 meters above sea level. This stall is known as the highest stall in Indonesia and is a very popular stopover among climbers.

Offering signature dishes such as pecel rice, boiled noodles, fried bananas, and hot drinks, Warung Mbok Yem has become a cultural symbol and unique culinary experience on Mount Lawu.

4. The status of Mount Lawu is still active

Mount Lawu is a volcano that is still classified as active even though it has not shown significant volcanic activity in the last few centuries.

As a type B volcano, Mount Lawu has the potential to erupt again after a long rest, although volcanic symptoms such as solfatara or the release of sulfur gas can still be found in some parts of the mountain.

Even so, no major eruptions have been recorded since 1885, and many visitors feel safe when climbing this mountain.

5. Five Hiking Trails for Mount Lawu

Mount Lawu has five hiking trails that climbers can choose from, each offering different challenges and views. The hiking trails are Cemoro Kandang, Cemoro Sewu, Tambak, Singolangu, and Cetho Temple.

Singolangu is known as the oldest hiking trail, estimated to have been used since the Majapahit Kingdom. These trails invite hikers to enjoy the diversity of nature, from pine forests, coffee plantations, to vast grasslands.

6. The existence of two temple complexes

Mount Lawu also has two historic temple complexes, namely Sukuh Temple and Cetho Temple. Sukuh Temple is located at an altitude of 910 meters above sea level in Berjo Village, Ngargoyoso, and is known for its unique architectural design and spiritual nuances.

Cetho Temple, located higher at 1,496 meters above sea level, also has similar architecture and is an important destination for tourists interested in the history and spiritual culture associated with Mount Lawu.

7. Relationship with the Legend of Prabu Brawijaya V

Mount Lawu is closely related to the history of the Majapahit Kingdom and the legend of Prabu Brawijaya V. Before the fall of Majapahit in the 15th century, Prabu Brawijaya V is said to have retreated to Mount Lawu to escape the pursuit of Raden Fatah’s troops.

The Singolangu climbing route is believed to be the route used by Prabu Brawijaya V on his spiritual journey. Along this route, there are sites believed to be the royal shrines, adding to the historical appeal for climbers.

8. Mount Lawu Has Many Sacred Places

Apart from being a sacred mountain, Mount Lawu also has many sacred sites that are places for meditation and spiritual rituals. Several places such as Gua Inten, Gua Slarong, Jolotundo, and Sendang Macan are considered sacred by the local people.

Climbers seeking spiritual peace often visit these places to meditate or make pilgrimages, which adds to the mystical and religious atmosphere of the mountain.

9. Favorite Destinations for Camping

Apart from being a climbing destination, Mount Lawu is also a favorite place for camping. Around the Cemoro Sewu hiking trail, there is a camping area that allows visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains while sleeping under the stars.

The cool air and calm atmosphere make the camping experience on Mount Lawu very memorable. In the morning, climbers can enjoy thin fog and extraordinary views from the top of the mountain.

10. Cool and Refreshing Air

Because it is located at an altitude of 3,256 meters above sea level, the temperature on Mount Lawu can be very cold, especially at night. Temperatures can drop to 10-15 degrees Celsius, even lower during the dry season.

The cool air adds to the comfort of climbers who rest after passing through a tiring climbing path. Fresh air and extraordinary natural scenery make Mount Lawu an ideal place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Mount Lawu is a destination filled with natural wonders, history, and spirituality. The presence of three sacred peaks, historical sites such as ancient temples, and challenging hiking trails make this mountain a must-visit.

Whether for climbers seeking a physical challenge or those seeking a sense of spiritual peace, Mount Lawu offers an unforgettable travel experience. So, if you want a trip filled with natural beauty and history, make sure to make Mount Salak your main destination.


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